Quickstart Guide

The IBM Spectrum Scale CSI Operator runs within a Kubernetes cluster providing a means to deploy and manage the CSI plugin for spectrum scale.

This operator should be used to deploy the CSI plugin.

The configuration process is as follows:

  1. Spectrum Scale GUI Setup

Spectrum Scale GUI Setup

NOTE: This step only needs to be preformed once per GUI.
  1. Ensure the Spectrum Scale GUI is running by pointing your browser to the IP hosting the GUI:


    If you do not see a login follow on screen instructions, or review the GUI Documentation

  2. Create a CsiAdmin group account on in the GUI (currently requires a CLI call):

    export USERNAME="SomeUser"
    export PASSWORD="SomePassword"
    /usr/lpp/mmfs/gui/cli/mkuser ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD} -g CsiAdmin
  3. Create a Kubernetes secret for the CsiAdmin user:

export USERNAME_B64=$(echo $USERNAME | base64)
export PASSWORD_B64=$(echo $PASSWORD | base64)
cat << EOF > /tmp/csisecret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  password: ${PASSWORD_B64}
  username: ${USERNAME_B64}
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: csisecret    # This should be in your CSIScaleOperator definition
  namespace: default # Set this to your operator namespace

kubectl create -f /tmp/csisecret.yaml
rm -f /tmp/csisecret.yaml